At New School

At New School

I visited The New School for Social Research to talk in a symposium on aesthetics of the so-called third places. The event was organized by Zed Adams from the Philosophy Department and included talks also from Zed and Aaron Meskin from University of Georgia.

Organizing IAA Conference in July 2018

Organizing IAA Conference in July 2018

Here is the call for papers for 2018 IAA interim meeting conference that is hosted by the Finnish Society of Aesthetics at Aalto University. I am organizing a special session on "Enviromental Aesthetics", see directions for participation below. Looking forward to the event!

CFP, International Assocation for Aesthetics (IAA)

MARGINS, FUTURES AND TASKS OF AESTHETICS July 5–7 2018 | Aalto University | Helsinki/Espoo, Finland

Organizers: International Association for Aesthetics, The Finnish Society of Aesthetics & The Department of Art at Aalto University

Invited Keynotes:

Yuriko Saito (Rhode Island School of Design) Elisabetta di Stefano (University of Palermo) Jack Halberstam (Columbia University)

Department Keynotes: Ossi Naukkarinen & Kevin Tavin

Aesthetics is a marginal discipline. We often have to defend its existence in departments, where the main focus is on literature, philosophy or art history. It is not surprising that the margins of aesthetics have not been thoro...

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Selecting Article of the Year

Selecting Article of the Year

Representing the Finnish Society of Aesthetics, I have the honour of selecting together with Michaela Pastekova from the Slovak Society for Aesthetics the recipient of the Article of the Year Award. The winner is chosen from articles published in the academic field of Aesthetics within the year 2017.

The winner will be announced in the annual winter seminar of the Finnish Society of Aesthetics, taking place with the title "Form" on 1st December at Aalto University's Otaniemi campus (Otakaari 1, Espoo, Lecture hall 2). Warmly welcome to the seminar!