"Aesthetics in HCI", invited half day tutorial in Human-Computer Interaction International 2023 Conference (HCII2023), Copenhagen, Denmark, 23.7.2023 "Aesthetic Sustainability in Urban Environments", keynote talk, International Institute for Applied Aesthetics (IIAA); Lahti, Finland, 14.6.2023 "Aesthetic Potential of Urban Mobility Futures", keynote talk, Society for Philosophy and Technology Biannual Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 8.6.20232022
“Urban Aesthetics: Merging Environmental Aesthetics and the Philosophy of the City”, Aesthetics Seminar, Uppsala University 4.10.2022 “Metsäluonto estetiikan näkökulmasta”, Metsäluonto Helsingissä -seminaari, Helsingin kaupunki, 8.9.2022 Speaker at the PechaKucha Night, Aalto University/Helsinki Design Week, 7.9.2022 "Beauty without Expiration Date? Architecture towards the Future", invited speaker in an author-meets-critics session on Paul Guyer's A Philosopher Looks at Architecture (2021, Cambridge University Press), American Society for Aestehtics Eastern Meeting, DoubleTree by Hilton Center City, Philadephia (PA), US, 23.4.2022 "The Shared Aesthetics of the New Public Library", Toward a Third Place Aesthetics: An Afternoon Symposium on the Aesthetics of Communal Life, New School for Social Research, New York (NY), US, 22.4.2022 "The Role of Aesthetic Values in Urban Futures", Workshop "The City and the Wild", Collegium Helveticum/ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland, 12.4.2022 "The Race of 5G: Urban aesthetic compromises" with Dr. Delfina Fantini van Ditmar, RCA, Philosophy Lecture, Department of Philosophy Colloquium, University of Twente, 17.3.2022 "Taide ja valta arjen kaupunkitilassa", with Dr. Denise Ziegler/UniARTS Helsinki, Taiteen avartuvat todellisuudet. Taiteilijan uusi asiantuntijuus -webinaarisarja, Taiteen edistämiskeskus TAIKE, Turun AMK:n Taideakatemia ja Turun museokeskus, 3.2.20222021
"Culture, aesthetics and the urban experience: Towards new meanings?", CALL: Cities in Action Learning LAB seminar, Politecnico di Milano (online), 18.11.2021 (Video recording) "Environmental Aesthetics and Art in the Age of Extractivism" (recorded), Sculpture on a Burning Planet lalk series, The Academy of Fine Arts, UniArts Helsinki, 6.10.2021 "Lapset, taide ja kaupunkitila", Esitystaiteen seuran seminaari (Live Art Society seminar): Mitä lapset ja taiteilijat harjoittelevat? - Nykyesitys yhdessäolon paikkana, 16.9.2021 "Beautiful Inclusive Physical Reality" (panel), ACCAC Culture 2.0 Festival: Online Discussions on Inclusion and Aesthetics – New European Bauhaus Seminar, 26.8.2021 "Transformative Urban Aesthetics", Beyond sustainability-as-usual: Co-creating transformative change in sustainable living, Aalto University's main New European Bauhaus initiative event, 5.5.2021 "Aesthetic Values in the Sustainable Built Environment", New European Bauhaus: Sustainable aesthetics in the built environment (seminar), 28.4.2021 “Aesthetic Sustainability and Intergenerational Environmental Aesthetics”, Steel Center for the Study of Religion and Philosophy, Hendrix College, Conway AR, United States, 28.4.20212020
"Another Look at the City: Aesthetics, Sustainability, and the Art of Compromise" (video), Keynote talk at the Coordinates of Aesthetics, Art and Culture VI: Art, Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Everyday Life, University of Presov, Slovakia, 12.–13.11.2020 "Living with Urban Everyday Technologies" (video), Keynote talk at Colloquium "Banality, Aesthetics and Everyday Life", UNIPO, University of Presov, Slovakia, 8.10.2020 "Why do we need to talk about beauty?", in Urban Lunch Hour: Urban Aesthetics, Helsinki Institute of Urban and Regional Studies (Urbaria), Urban Research and Statistics Unit (City of Helsinki) and Aalto Living+ platform (Aalto University), 15.9.2020 "Taide ympäristökriisin käsittelijänä" (video & podcast), (panel in Finnish: Mari Männistö, Sanna Lehtinen ja Laura Gustafsson, moderator Jari Tamminen), Ympäristötiedon foorumin Ympäristödialogi-keskustelusarja, Helsinki Art Museum HAM 2.9.2020 "Urban Aesthetics", Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University, 7.4.2020 (invited speaker) 2019 “Redefining Urban Aesthetics with the Concept of Aesthetic Sustainability”, HELSUS Brown Bag Lunch, HELSUS Hub, University of Helsinki, Finland, 25.10.2019 (HELSUS fellows talks series) ”Aesthetic Sustainability”, NODUS Design Talk Series, Design Museum, Helsinki, Finland 19.9.2019 (invited keynote speaker together with Maria Klemetti and Jussi Laine from NEMO Architects) “Ympäristöestetiikka ja elinympäristön koettu laatu” (title in English: Environmental Aesthetics and the Experienced Quality of the Lived Environment), Alueiden käytön neuvottelupäivät 2019, Merikeskus Wellamo, Kotka, Finland 3.9.2019 (invited keynote speaker) “Urban Everyday Aesthetics”, Design for Social Innovation DESIS Philosophy Talks Session, Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy 5.7.2019 (invited keynote speaker) “Urban Aesthetics: Conceptualizing the Lived Quality of Urban Environments” (video link) Measuring Sense of Space: What, Why and How?, Spin Unit & University of Helsinki, Think Corner, Helsinki, Finland 15.1.2019 (invited keynote speaker) “Built Beyond Comprehension: Urban Complexity as an Aesthetic Issue”, American Philosophical Association APA Eastern Meeting, New York City, 7.1.2019 (invited paper in a panel by the Philosophy of the City Research Group) 2018 “Taiteilija ja kaupunki: Näkökulmia kaupunkiestetiikan tutkimuksesta” (title in English: Artist and the City: Perspectives from the Study of Urban Aesthetics), Taidekoulu Maa, HAM Corner, 4.10.2018 (invited keynote speaker) ”Rumat Laatikot? -keskustelutilaisuus nykyarkkitehtuurista” (title in English: Ugly boxes? Discussion event on contemporary architecture), panel discussion organized by Hesa-SAFA, Konepaja Bruno Helsinki, 2.10.2018 (invited panelist) ”Kaupunkiteknologiat ja arkikokemuksen kerrostuneisuus” (title in English: Urban technologies and the Layeredness of the Everyday Experience), International Institute of Applied Aesthetics, IIAA Autumn Seminar) Lahti, Finland, 20.9.2018 (invited speaker) “Aesthetic Sustainability in Urban Transformations: Temporal Perspectives to Understanding Experiential Value”, Nordic Network for Women in Aesthetics (NNWA) Inaugural Workshop, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2.5.2018 (invited keynote speaker) “Aesthetics of New Urban Technologies: Towards Aesthetic Sustainability in Urban Environments”, Forum for Theory of Science (Vitenskapsteoretisk Forum), NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, 17.4.2018 (invited keynote speaker) 2017 “Food for Thought in Circularity”, dinner & conversation organised by The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, 29.11.2017 (invited guest) 2016 ”Vaate tilana – Keskustelua pukeutumisvalinnoista” (Clothing as Space – Discussion on Clothing Choices) Helsinki Design Week / Arela Oy, Art Gallery Forum Box; Panel discussion on “Clothing as Space/Clothing Choices”, 9.9.2016 (invited panelist)