Teaching | Opetus


”I have not been very interested in aesthetics during the earlier art courses but Sanna Lehtinen’s aesthetics lectures have been really interesting! Sanna is absolutely one of the best lecturers ever.” (student feedback, 2019)



  • MsC Jere Pääkkönen, "Contemporary Dystopian Cinema as Architectural Critique Viewing and creating cinematic environments as commentary on the current state of architecture and its possible future directions", Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Dept. of Architecture, 6/2023–
  • MSc Iris Andersson, "Turvallisen tilan anatomia – Mikä tiloissa on luonut ja nykyisin luo ihmisille turvaa tai pelkoa? Mistä elementeistä turvallinen tila rakentuu?", Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Dept. of Architecture, 1/2023–
  • MSc Joona Hulmi: "Resonance and Atmosphere: Notes on the Experience of Architecture and Temporality", Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Dept. of Architecture, 1/2022–
  • MA David Flood: "Coded Space: Digital Visual Representations and the Remaking of Urban Publics", University of Helsinki, Doctoral Programme in Interdisciplinary Environmental Sciences DENVI (urban geography), 05/2020–
  • MA Noora Korpelainen: "Aesthetic Sensibility in the Era of Global Environmental Change", University of Helsinki, Doctoral Programme in Interdisciplinary Environmental Sciences DENVI (aesthetics), 08/2019–
  • MA Henrik Pathirane: "Hermeneutics, Life and Communities: The Everyday Urban Experience", University of Helsinki, Doctoral Programme in Philosophy, Arts, and Society (aesthetics), 08/2018–


  • MA Tom Lammi: "Time Matters. Phenomenological Perspectives on the Temporal Dimension in the Aesthetics of the Built Environment", University of Helsinki, Doctoral Programme in Philosophy, Arts, and Society (aesthetics), 11/2020– (paused)
  • MSc Merja Salonen: "Noisy Knowledge: Art-activism in Social Media as a Trigger for Corporate Knowledge Building", Aalto University Doctoral Programme in Arts, Design and Architecture, Dept. of Media (new media), 12/2016–19 (discontinued)  



  • DSc Iida Kalakoski, Univ. of Tampere
  • PhD Aleksi Lohtaja, Univ. of Jyväskylä


”The course introduced important subjects in relation to the field of Aesthetics, it was an introduction to many streams of thought that are going to be very important for my development. Although the teacher's knowledge of the topic was clearly vast, it has been a pleasure to see her way of interacting in the students discussions during the lectures.” (student feedback, 2019)


  • Environmental Thinking (elective master's level course, 6 ECTS), Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, 2022–
  • Contemporary Practice: Art, Media, Design and Architecture Cultures (compulsory Bachelor's level course, 1 course implementation/year, 3 ECTS), Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, 2020–
  • Taiteen nykykäytännöt: taiteen, median, muotoilun ja arkkitehtuurin kulttuurit (Contemporary Practice: Art, Media, Design and Architecture Cultures, compulsory Bachelor's level course, 2 course implementations/year, 3 ECTS), Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, 2020–
  • Knowing Aesthetics (elective doctoral level seminar, 6 ECTS), Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, 2020–22; 2024– (no teching 2022–23)
  • Aesthetics (compulsory master's level course, 3 ECTS), Master's Programme in Information Networks, Aalto University School of Science, 2016–
  • Ympäristöestetiikan perusteet (Introduction into Environmental Aesthetics, compulsory bachelor's level course, 5 ECTS), University of Helsinki, 2018–


  • Estetiikka ja kestävyys (Aesthetics and Sustainability), Johdatus kestävään suunnitteluun/Prof. Matti Kuittinen (Introduction to Sustainable Design course), Bachelor's Programme in Architecture, Aalto University, 2022– (annual visit)
  • Urban Aesthetics and Aesthetic Sustainability, Urban Design Thinking course/Prof. Karin Krokfors & Tommy Lindgren, Master's Programme in Architecture, Aalto University, 2020– (annual visit)
  • Sustainability and the Urban Experience, Introduction to Urban Studies and Planning course/Giacomo Bottà, Urban Sudies and Planning Master's Programme, University of Helsinki and Aalto University, 2020– (annual visit)
  • Ympäristöestetiikka (Environmental Aesthetics), Monitieteinen ympäristötutkimus -kurssi (JMY/MYT) (Multidisciplinary Environmental Research course)/Janna Pietikäinen, University of Helsinki, 2014– (annual visit)


  • Role of Aesthetic Value in Real Estate Development, Real Estate Development course (REC-E3030)/Asst. Prof. Saija Toivonen, Master's Programme in Real Estate Economics, Aalto University School of Engineering, 26.1.2017 & 5.4.2021
  • Urban Aesthetics, Fastighetsvetenskapliga seminarier (Real Estate Science Seminar), Lund Institute of Technology (LTH), Lund University, 7.4.2020
  • Urban Aesthetics, Urban Transitions and Futures course/Asst. Prof. Idil Gaziulusoy, (MUO-E8027/USP-343), 4.3.2019
  • Taiteilija ja kaupunki: Näkökulmia kaupunkiestetiikan tutkimuksesta (Artist and the City: Perspectives from the Study of Urban Aesthetics), Taidekoulu Maa/Pekka Niskanen, HAM Corner, 4.10.2018


  • Seminar of Environmental Thinking, Aesthetics and Art (elective master's level seminar 3 ECTS), Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, 2016–2021
  • Kaupunkiestetiikka (Urban Aesthetics, Master's level course, 5 ECTS), University of Helsinki Open University, August 2021
  • Ajatus: Empatia / Estetiikka (Idea: Empathy; compulsory Bachelor's level course, 3 course implementations/year, 2 ECTS), Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, 2019–2021
  • Ympäristöestetiikka (Environmental Aesthetics, bachelor's level online course, 5 ECTS), University of Helsinki Open University 2016–20
  • Ajatus: Antroposeeni / Estetiikka (Idea: Anthropocene; compulsory Bachelor's level course, 3 course implementations/year, 2 ECTS), Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, 2017–2019
  • Ajatus: Ihmisyys / Estetiikka (Idea: Humanity; compulsory Bachelor's level course, 3 course implementations/year, 2 ECTS), Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, 2015–2017
  • Tilakokemuksen estetiikkaa (Aesthetics of Spatial Experience; Master's level course, 5 ECTS), 14.3.–28.4.2016, University of Helsinki
  • Estetiikka ja taiteenfilosofia (Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art; doctoral level seminar, 6 ECTS) 22.2.–23.5.2016, Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture
  • Estetiikan nykysuuntauksia I (Contemporary Approaches in Aesthetics I; TES130E, 5 ECTS), responsible teacher & coordinator, 5.11.–10.12.2009, University of Helsinki
  • 5 aistia, 5 lähestymistapaa taiteeseen (5 Senses, 5 Approached to Art; TES240T, 5 ECTS), with MA Karoliina Korpilahti, 2.11.–14.12.2009, University of Helsinki
  • Luxus vs. rähjä: Estetiikan Rajat 2007 (Luxe vs. Shabby; TES240T, 5 ECTS), with MA Karoliina Korpilahti, 12.09.–5.12.2007, University of Helsinki