Curriculum Vitae & Publications List as PDF file

  1. Full name and personal information

    • Lehtinen (née Mattila), Sanna Tuulia
    • Female, married, 2 children (b. 2011 & 2015)
  2. Date and place of birth, nationality, current residence

    • 24 April 1981, born in Tampere, Finland
    • Finnish citizen; lives in Helsinki, Finland
  3. Education and degrees awarded

    • Docent in Aesthetics, University of Helsinki, 2021
    • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), University of Helsinki, Aesthetics, 22.12.2015, PhD dissertation: Excursions into Everyday Spaces – Mapping Aesthetic Potentiality of Urban Environments through Preaesthetic Sensitivities. Supervisor: Prof. Arto Haapala, University of Helsinki; Pre-examiners: Prof. Andrew Ballantyne, Newcastle University & Univ.-Doz. DDr. Mădălina Diaconu, University of Vienna; Opponent: Prof. Andrew Ballantyne, Newcastle University; Dissertation downloaded 5551 times, citations: 10 (Google Scholar)
    • Master of Arts (MA), University of Helsinki, Aesthetics; Art History, 2007
    • Erasmus exchange, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, 2004–05
  4. Other education and training, qualifications and skills

    • University pedagogical training (30cr), University of Helsinki, 2017–20
    • Research Management & Leadership study module (25cr; Tutkintojohtamisen opintokokonaisuus TUJO), Higher Education Governance and Management Department HEGOM, University of Helsinki, 2014
  5. Language skills

    • Finnish (mother tongue), English C2, Swedish C1
    • French B2 (reading: C1), Italian B1, Spanish B1
    • Latin A2, Portuguese A2
  6. Current positions

    • Research Fellow, Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Centre for Transdisciplinary Studies (TAITE)
    • Visiting Lecturer, University of Helsinki, 06/2020–
  7. Previous work experience and career breaks

    • Postdoctoral Research Fellow (PI), University of Helsinki, Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science HELSUS/Faculty of Arts 06/2018–05/2020, project: “Aesthetic Sustainability in Urban Transformations: Intergenerational Perspective to Creating Experiential Value”
    • Visiting Lecturer, Aalto University (School of Art, Design and Architecture; School of Science; BA, MA, MSc and PhD level teaching and supervising), 04/2015–07/2020
    • Member in the research project ”Urban Aesthetics in Motion: Bridging the Gap Between Philosophical Aesthetics and Urban Mobility Futures (UrAMo)” (University of Helsinki & Aalto University), 08/2016–12/2019
    • Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki, Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies 06/2016–05/2018, personal grant from Finnish Cultural Foundation via PoDoCo program 06/2017–05/2018), research project done in collaboration with Architects Davidsson Tarkela
    • Curatorial work: ”México – Fotografía finlandesa en Reforma”, photography exhibition in Las Rejas de Chapultepec en Paseo de la Reforma open air exhibition space, Finland100 collaboration with the Embassy of Finland in Mexico, 18.12.2017–26.1.2018
    • Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki, grant from Emil Aaltonen Foundation, 06/2016–05/2017
    • Independent Consultant 2015–17: urban aesthetics, urban development (client: Lemminkäinen Talo Oy)
    • Maternity & parental leave 02/2015–05/2016
    • Maternity leave & parental leave 11/2011–12/2012
    • Doctoral Student, International Institute of Applied Aesthetics (IIAA), University of Helsinki 2010–14
    • Planning Officer, International Institute of Applied Aesthetics (IIAA), University of Helsinki 2010
    • Curator (focus on contemporary art), Amos Anderson Art Museum, Helsinki, Finland 2008–09, Responsibility over the following exhibitions:
    • Two Faces of the Modern, 29.5.2009–20.9.2010 (with Timo Valjakka)
    • Ars Fennica 2008, 3.10.–16.11.2008
    • SPLÄTSH! The Extensions of Water Colour, 13.6.–14.9.2008
  8. Research funding, leadership & supervision

    • 2019, Wihuri Foundation, research project funding (collaborative project “Environmental Aesthetics in Turmoil”), together with Dr. Jukka Mikkonen, 30.000 €
    • 2018, University of Helsinki, research project funding (Faculty of Arts/HELSUS), 117.000€
    • 2016–18, Nessling Foundation, Nessling Nest workspace grant, 2 years
    • 2016, Finnish Cultural Foundation, funding for postdoctoral research project and research collaboration with Architects Davidsson Tarkela, PoDoCo Program, 28.000€
    • 2016, Emil Aaltonen Foundation, funding for postdoctoral research project, 31.500€
    • 2009, Finnish Cultural Foundation, funding for doctoral research, 28.000€

International travel grants

  • 2017, Marquette University, Milwaukee, USA 500$
  • 2016, International Association of Aesthetics, 500$
  • 2014, Centre franco-norvégien en sciences sociales et humaines, Paris, France, 600€
  • 2013, International Association of Aesthetics, 500$

Supervisor for 2 doctoral students at University of Helsinki:

  • MA David Flood: "Coded Space: Digital Visual Representations and the Remaking of Urban Publics", DENVI Doctoral Programme (urban geography), 05/2020–
  • MA Noora Korpelainen: “Aesthetic Sensibility in the Era of Environmental Change” in Doctoral Programme in Interdisciplinary Environmental Sciences DENVI Doctoral Programme (aesthetics), 08/2019–
  • MA Henrik Pathirane: ”Hermeneutics, Life, and Communities: The Everyday Urban Experience”, Aesthetics, 09/2018–

Advisor for 3 doctoral students at Aalto University, School of Art, Design and Architecture

  • MFA Hanna Timonen: “Seriality, the Everyday and Vernacular Attitude” (Dept. of Media), 01/2020–
  • MFA Jaana Okulov (ent. Ristola): “Subjectivity Patterns of Multimodal Experience: Computational Approaches to Aesthetics” (Dept. of Art), 05/2019–
  • MSc Merja Salonen: ”Noisy Knowledge: Art-activism in Social Media as a Trigger for Corporate Knowledge Building” (Dept. of New Media), 05/2017– (process on hold)

Master’s level supervision

  • Jalmari Sarla, Master's Programme in Urban Studies and Planning (USP), Univ. of Helsinki, 11/2021
  • Jaakko Saraste, Dept. of Architecture, Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture
  • Emmi Turkki, Master's Programme in Urban Studies and Planning (USP), Univ. of Helsinki, 11/2021
  • Kamilla Kuna, Master's Programme in Urban Studies and Planning (USP), Univ. of Helsinki, 11/2021
  • Commissioned MA thesis, Aesthetics, Univ. of Helsinki, 08/2020– (thesis made in collaboration with Art Committee/Taidetoimikunta of the HUS Helsinki University Hospital)
  • Suvituuli Saari, Dept. of Film, Television and Scenography, Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, 5/2020
  • Liinu Kivioja: ”Kivijalka ja kaupunkilainen: Kivijalkatilat osana helsinkiläistä arkimaisemaa” (Title in English ”Brownstone and the Urban Citizen: Brownstone Spaces as Part of the Everyday Urban Landscape in Helsinki) Spatial Planning, Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, 09/2018
  • Sanna-Susanna Östman: ”Ekologisesti ennallistava ympäristötaide” (Title in English: Ecologically Restorative Environmental Art), Environmental Ecology, University of Helsinki, 05/2015
  1. Merits in teaching and pedagogical competence (selection)

    • Pedagogical training: University Pedagogy 30cr, HYPE, University of Helsinki, 2017–20
    • “Ympäristöestetiikan perusteet” (“Foundations for Environmental Aesthetics”), compulsory BA level course, Faculty of Arts, Univ. of Helsinki, curriculum planning and implementation 02/2019–
    • ”Aesthetics” (3cr), Master’s Programme in Information Networks, Aalto University, School of Science (annual lecture series): curriculum planning and implementation 01/2017–
    • ”Seminar of Environmental Aesthetics, Art and Thinking” (3cr), Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture (annual seminar): curriculum planning and implementation 09/2016–
    • ”Ajatus” (aesthetics) (2cr), compulsory BA level art studies, Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture: curriculum planning and implementation, 11/2015–
    • ”Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art for Doctoral Students” (6cr), Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture: curriculum planning and implementation, 2017–2019
    • ”Tilakokemuksen estetiikkaa” (5cr), University of Helsinki, (lecture series): curriculum planning and implementation, 03–05/2016
    • ”Ympäristöestetiikka” (5cr), University of Helsinki Open University (online course): implementation 01–03/2016
    • ”Johdatus ympäristöestetiikkaan”, Monitieteisiin ympäristötutkimus – tieteenalojen näkökulmia ympäristökysymyksiin (MYT), Helsinki University Centre for Environment HENVI (”Introduction to Environmental Aesthetics” annual lecture, BA level), 2014–
  2. Awards, prizes and honours

    • University of Helsinki Funds, City of Lahti Funds, award for postdoctoral work, 2018, 2.000€
    • Young Scholar Award, International Association of Aesthetics (IAA), 2013
  3. Other academic merits (past 5 years)

    Reviewing and scientific advisory activity

    • Executive Editor, Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics (2021–, with Dr. Ryan Wittingslow, Groeningen University)
    • Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Ecohumanism, 2021–
    • Member of the Editorial Board, ESPES, 2020–
    • Member of the Editorial Board, The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics, 2017–
    • Reviewer, Aesthetic Investigations, 2021
    • Examiner, Master’s thesis, Sebastian Högnabba: ”Aesthetics-Driven Design of Facade-Integrated Photovoltaic Glass Panels for the Urban Environment”, Master's Programme in Collaborative and Industrial Design, Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, 04/2021
    • Reviewer, The Journal of Somaesthetics, 2020
    • Reviewer, Nordic Association of Architectural Research (NAAR/NAF), 2020
    • Reviewer, Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 2020
    • Reviewer, Open Philosophy 2018, 2019
    • Reviewer, National Science Center Poland, 2019
    • Pre-selection Jury Member, Vuoden Tiedekynä Academic Writing Award, Kone Foundation, 2019
    • Reviewer, NSU Nordic Summer University Proceedings Publication 2018
    • Jury member, International Aesthetics Article of the Year Award, Finnish Society for Aesthetics, 2017
    • Reviewer, Popular Inquiry – The Journal of the Aesthetics of Kitsch, Camp and Mass Culture 2017
    • Reviewer, Estetika – The Central European Journal of Aesthetics 2017
    • Examiner, Master’s thesis, Heli Keski-Huikku: ”Radikaali maaseututaiteen kaipuu” (title in English: Radical Yearning for Rural Art), ViCCA Master’s Programme for Visual Culture and Contemporary Art, Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, 05/2015

Current roles in scientific organizations

  • Philosophy of the City Research Group, Codirector 2019–
  • Finnish Society for Aesthetics, President 2019–
  • International Association of Aesthetics (IAA), Member of the Executive Board 2019–
  • 4TU – Centre for Ethics and Technology, Affiliate Member 2019–
  • Nordic Society for Aesthetics (NSE), Treasurer 2019–
  • American Society for Aesthetics (ASA), International Member 2019–
  • Nordic Journal of Aesthetics (NJA), Member of the Editorial Board 2018–
  • American Philosophical Association (APA), International Member 2018–
  • Architectural Humanities Research Association (AHRA), Member 2018–
  • Nordic Network of Women in Aesthetics (NNWA), Invited Member 2017–
  • SIRENE – Interdisciplinary Network of Environmental and Sustainability Education Research, Invited Member 2016–

Honorary roles

  • Member of the Scientific Committee, "Contemporary Aesthetics: Dialogues through Art, Culture and Media", International Congress of Aesthetics ICA2022, Belo Horizonte, Brasil, 25.–29.7.2022
  • Member of the Honorary Scientific Committee, 8th Mediterranean Congress of Aesthetics: “Aesthetics of the everyday life in contemporary cities”, Hellenic Society for Aesthetics, online/Delphi, Greece, 9.–11.9.2021
  1. Scientific and societal impact of research

    Invited talks

    • “Redefining Urban Aesthetics with the Concept of Aesthetic Sustainability”, HELSUS Brown Bag Lunch, HELSUS Hub, University of Helsinki, Finland, 25.10.2019 (HELSUS fellows talks series)
    • ”Aesthetic Sustainability”, NODUS Design Talk Series, Design Museum, Helsinki, Finland 19.9.2019 (invited keynote speaker together with NEMO Architects)
    • “Ympäristöestetiikka ja elinympäristön koettu laatu” (title in English: Environmental Aesthetics and the Experienced Quality of the Lived Environment), Alueidenkäytön neuvottelupäivät 2019, Merikeskus Wellamo, Kotka, Finland 3.9.2019 (invited keynote speaker)
    • “Urban Everyday Aesthetics”, Design for Social Innovation DESIS Philosophy Talks Session at Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy 5.7.2019 (invited keynote speaker)
    • “Urban Aesthetics: Conceptualizing the Lived Quality of Urban Environments” (video link) Measuring Sense of Space: What, Why and How?, Spin Unit & University of Helsinki, Think Corner, Helsinki, Finland 15.1.2019 (invited keynote speaker)
    • “Built Beyond Comprehension: Urban Complexity as an Aesthetic Issue”, American Philosophical Association APA Eastern Meeting, New York City, 7.1.2019 (invited paper in a panel by the Philosophy of the City Research Group)
    • “Taiteilija ja kaupunki: Näkökulmia kaupunkiestetiikan tutkimuksesta” (title in English: Artist and the City: Perspectives from the Study of Urban Aesthetics), Taidekoulu Maa, HAM Corner, 4.10.2018 (invited keynote speaker)
    • ”Rumat Laatikot? -keskustelutilaisuus nykyarkkitehtuurista” (title in English: Ugly boxes? Discussion event on contemporary architecture), panel discussion organized by Hesa-SAFA, Konepaja Bruno Helsinki, 2.10.2018 (invited panelist)
    • ”Kaupunkiteknologiat ja arkikokemuksen kerrostuneisuus” (title in English: Urban technologies and the Layeredness of the Everyday Experience), International Institute of Applied Aesthetics, IIAA Autumn Seminar) Lahti, Finland, 20.9.2019 (invited speaker)
    • “Aesthetic Sustainability in Urban Transformations: Temporal Perspectives to Understanding Experiential Value”, Nordic Network for Women in Aesthetics (NNWA) Inaugural Workshop, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2.5.2018 (invited keynote speaker)
    • “Aesthetics of New Urban Technologies: Towards Aesthetic Sustainability in Urban Environments”, Forum for Theory of Science (Vitenskapsteoretisk Forum), NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, 17.4.2018 (invited keynote speaker)
    • “Food for Thought in Circularity”, dinner & conversation organised by The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, 29.11.2017 (invited guest)

Conference presentations (selection)

  • “Intergenerational Urban Aesthetics”, 4TU.Ethics Biannual conference, TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 7.11.2019 (paper)
  • “Aesthetic Sustainability in Urban Environments”, American Society for Aesthetics Annual Meeting ASA2019, Phoenix, Arizona, United States, 12.10.2019 (paper in an invited panel)
  • “Intergenerational Urban Aesthetics: Sustainable Directions for Envisioning Urban Futures”, Philosophy of the City Conference, University of Detroit Mercy, 4.10.2019 (paper)
  • “Urban Aesthetics: Conceptualizing the Lived Quality of Urban Environments”, Plannord2019, NTNU, Ås & Oscarsborg, Norway, 22.8.2019 (paper & track chair)
  • “Built Beyond Comprehension: Urban Complexity as an Aesthetic Issue”, American Philosophical Association Annual Meeting APA2019, New York City, USA, 7.1.2019 (paper in a panel organized by the Philosophy of the City Research Group)
  • “Intergenerational Ethics as the Basis for a Comprehensive Model of Aesthetic Sustainability in Urban Environments”, "Science, Technology and the Future Generations: The 11th International Conference on Applied Ethics", Kyoto University, 16.12.2018 (paper)
  • “Aesthetic Perspectives to Urban Technologies: Outlining the Experiential Sustainability of Smart City Solutions”, Smartness? Between Discourse and Practice: 15th Architectural Humanities Research Association International Conference, TU Eindhoven, 16.11.2018 (paper with MA Vesa Vihanninjoki, Univ. of Helsinki)
  • “Everyday Aesthetics and Engagement with Technology”, Human-Technology Relations: Postphenomenology and Philosophy of Technology (PHTR2018), DesignLab, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, 12.7.2018 (paper)
  • “Aesthetic Perspectives to New Urban Technologies – Conceptualizing and Evaluating the Technology-Driven Changes in the Urban Experience”, Philosophy of the City Summer Colloquium, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, 13.6.2018 (paper)
  • “Urban Complexity as an Aesthetic Issue”, Nordic Society for Aesthetics Annual Conference: “Conflicts – Antagonisms, Agonies, Affects”, Paris, France, 30.5.2018 (paper in a panel on “Urban Aesthetics”, also organizing the panel)
  • “Introducing Aesthetic Sustainability”, Seminar & workshop Moving from Landscapes to Cityscapes and Back: Theoretical and Applied Approaches to Human Environments in Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan – Institute of European Culture in Gniezno, Poland, 18.5.2018 (paper)
  • “Sustainable Urban Aesthetics: Focus on Materials”, First Global Radical Relevances Conference at Aalto University, Finland, 27.4.2018 (paper)
  • “Aesthetic Perspectives to Creating Smart Urban Sustainability”, Architectural Research Days (Atut2017), University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland 30.11.2017 (paper)
  • “Creating Aesthetic Sustainability in Urban Environments”, Philosophy of the City, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal 11.10.2017 (paper in a panel discussion)
  • “Changing Character of Public Art in the Urban Sphere”, Arts in the Environment: Nordic Symposium, Helsinki, Finland 2.9.2017 (paper)
  • “Urban Aesthetics and Intergenerational Ethics”, Nordic Association of Architectural Research Symposium 2017: Reflecting Histories and Directing Futures, Oslo, Norway 16.6.2017 (paper)
  • “From Aesthetic Values to Aesthetic Sustainability: An Applied Approach”, IIAA2017 Considerations in Urban Aesthetics: Planning, Mobilities, and Everyday Life, Lahti & Helsinki, Finland 2.6.2017 (paper)

Science communication and expert assignments in the media

  • “A specialist in urban aesthetics wants to turn the city into a living room for all”, University of Helsinki, 2.3.2020
  • Interview with The Urban Futures Podcast, interviewer Ana Jones, forthcoming in 2020
  • “Erilaisuus kukkimaan”, interview in Vuokranantaja Magazine of The Finnish Landlord Association (in Finnish; Title in English: Let Diversity Flourish), 11/2019
  • Participation in the Built Environment Science Slam (RYTS Science Slam 2019) with a 6-minute presentation “Kaupungin muuttuva kauneus” (in Finnish; Title in English: Changing Beauty of the City), Helsinki, Finland, 23.10.2019
  • “Useita Jenny ja Antti Wihurin rahaston apurahoja Etelä-Savoon” (in English: Several Wihuri Foundation grants awarded to Southern Savo”,, 11.10.2019; Mention in web based media
  • “Kohti esteettisesti kestäviä kaupunkiympäristöjä”, interview with Ilmari Pirkkamaa, Lahti University Campus (in Finnish, Title in English: Towards Aesthetically Sustainable Urban Environments), 18.9.2019
  • ”Kaupunkiestetiikka”, guest in Ajatuksia kaupungista -podcast (season 2, episode 6; in Finnish; Title in English: Urban Aesthetics), 7.11.2019
  • ”Helsingin yliopiston Lahden rahasto jakoi apurahoja – buustia alueen kehittämiseen”, Lahti University Campus news (interview in Finnish), 13.4.2018
  • Commentator in Hanna Syrjälä’s column "Miksi monen kunnan keskusta on silmiä särkevän ruma? Ne voisivat ottaa mallia karheankauniista Karkkilasta", Helsingin Sanomat 8.10.2017
  • ”Vaate tilana – Keskustelua pukeutumisvalinnoista” Helsinki Design Week / Arela Oy, Galleria Forum Box; Invited panelist in a panel discussion on “Clothing as Space/Clothing Choices”, 9.9.2016
  • “Hotelli, ravintola, toimistoja? VR:n muutto avaa rautatieaseman itäsiiven uusille toimijoille”, Kommentti YLE Uutisille, 15.12.2015; Participation in interview for web based media
  • Yle Uutiset Uusimaa, 25.11.2015; Participation in TV programme
  • Yle Uutiset Uusimaa, 25.11.2015; Participation in radio programme
  • “Tutkija ei tyrmää hampurilaisravintolaa historiallisessa ympäristössä”, YLE Uutiset, 25.11.2015; Feature interview for web based media

Hosting research visits

  • 01–03/2020 Postdoctoral Researcher Mami Aota, The University of Tokyo (Todai)
  • 07/2018 Prof. Andrew Light, George Mason University/World Resources Organization (WRO) (organized also funding for the visit from Maj & Tor Nessling Foundation)

Organising conferences & seminars (selection)

  • Philosophy of the City Summer Colloquium: Everyday Life and the City, Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw, Poland, 15.–17.6.2020 (role: member of the organizing committee)
  • “Track 2: Enhancing Livability in Urban Areas”, Plannord 2019 The 9th Nordic Planning Research Symposium, conference track of 20 papers, co-organizer: Assoc. Prof. Harpa Stefansdottir (The Norwegian University of Life Sciences NMBU, Department of Urban and Regional Planning), NMBU, Ås campus & Oscarsborg, Norway 21.–23.8.2019
  • “Shared Urban Imaginaries: Art, Research and the City: Prospects for collaboration in the fields of art & art/istic research” (“Taidehautomo”), 1st official joint workshop by Univ. of Helsinki, Aalto Univ., and Univ. of the Arts, Kone Foundation Lauttasaari Manor 8.–9.8.2019 (role: main organizer)
  • Philosophy of the City Summer Colloquium: Urban Aesthetics, University of Helsinki, Philosophy of the City Research Group & International Institute of Applied Aesthetics (IIAA), University of Helsinki, Lahti/Helsinki 17.–19.6.2019 (role: main organizer)
  • Margins, Futures, and Tasks of Aesthetics. International Association of Aesthetics Interim Meeting. Aalto University, Espoo, Finland 5.–7.7.2018 (role: organizer of a track on Environmental Aesthetics, invited speaker Prof. Andrew Light)
  • Philosophy of the City Summer Colloquium: Technology & the City, 11.–13.6.2018, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands (role: member of the program committee)
  • Kiertotaloustapaaminen kaupunkiviljelyn tulevaisuudesta, The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra & Nessling Nest, Helsinki, Finland 9.1.2018 (role: organizer)
  • Art, Aesthetics, and the Future of City Life East/West. International conference. Marquette University, Milwaukee, USA 5.–7.4.2017 (role: responsible for organizing the speaker on architecture: Esa Laaksonen, Alvar Aalto Academy)